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Digital Media Curriculum

Building a curriculum of rich program based content that adheres to national standards AND engages students can seem like a unicorn.  Here's what you need to find success.

At the bottom of the page you will find a sample curriculum designed for an entry level digital media course that utilizes Adobe Photoshop. If you would like to purchase an updated version of the curriculum please contact us or email


Start Slow & Repeat Yourself

When learning a new program, and a new digital program, it is important to leave time for exploration and practice.  Start slow with necessary tools and then build upon those skills each time you introduce a new assignment.  Give yourself time to include student choice and interest along the way, along with taking time to learn the principles of art and design.



Scaffold Learning

Start small by learning the necessary tools and techniques and then build upon those skills as projects and assignments get more complex. 



Give Opportunities for Sharing




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